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An admin update From Leigh

Hello, Fellow Travelers,

I wanted to use this time and space to bring attention to some updates with Meditative Exercise.

After several discussions with Dr Laseter, and hearing his passion and aspiration for the journey of transformation in one's life, we have done some class and web transformations and updates as well!

You will be receiving an email update informing you of the changes, but I thought I'd list them here as well.

  1. As of November 7, 2021, the Single Class rate for a 90 minute class with Dr Laseter is will be $20

  2. As of November 7, 2021, Class Cards will be discontinued. For those with unused classes on their cards, please contact me so I may credit you accordingly for future classes. We have created class series packages for Zoom Only, In-Person Only and Zoom + In-Person. These packages are priced at the original rate of $15.00 per class, and are a much better savings than the original class card. All series pricing information can be found on our Group Class Page, under "Class Pricing". All series options are non-refundable and no credits are given, except for very serious extenuating circumstances.

  3. Registration will be required for all returning students. Registration affords better communication without the need to bombard people with multiple emails. Please do not register each week. A one-time, per series registration is all that is required. Registration will be done per seasonal class series; so quarterly. This means that if you register for this upcoming Winter Series, and wish to take the Spring Series, you will need to register again for the Spring series. This gives people the option to do one series, then maybe do drop-in basis, or perhaps take some time away. It also is a way for me to ensure that I have updated, correct contact information. Registration can be done online or in-person. To register online, please visit our Class Registration Page.

  4. Web Updates In addition to the class format and pricing structure, I've done some updates to our website, including changing the main navigation bar. Instead of seeing "Zoom Classes" and In-Person Classes, you will now see "Group Classes" and "Private Lessons" in addition to the other navigation titles. Group Classes Page is where you will find basic information about the classes, including pricing, and be able to jump onto the Zoom Class page and In-Person Class page, as well as to register for classes. Zoom Class page contains specific information related to Zoom, including the Zoom only schedule, and the same for In-Person class page containing specifics only for those classes. The home page has been updated to contain the schedule in list style immediately below the main photo. The ME News Blog section has been moved below it. This is where we will update the website with class materials, schedule changes, location changes, and any new programs, or any additional news. Please check back frequently.

  5. Weekly Class Email Reminders The class series format will also allow me to send fewer emails. Instead of weekly reminder emails, and two emails for Zoom classes, reminders will go out only for Class registration announcements, location or schedule changes, and time sensitive class material Dr Laseter wishes attendees to have. I do not wish to bug anyone, and I'd like to use emails to only communicate pertinent information, as well as tailor emails, people are getting what they need and want, and not the other way around.

  6. Updated Class Calendar Page Additionally, I have created a class calendar page, with its own navigation heading, with a handmade calendar that is updated monthly. Class Calendar Page has four months in advance, so people can plan accordingly. It lists Zoom and In-Person classes, as well as when we have events or workshops. It also has in-person class location information. Our previous calendar widgets have not been functioning and updating properly, and it has been a struggle to find one that works well. View the Class Calendar HERE

It is my hope that these changes make things easier for everyone. I hope my web updates allow everyone to access information faster and easier. I always appreciate any feedback. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email at Thank you everyone for being on this journey with Dr Laseter and I. We appreciate you all so much.


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